Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Muscular Endurance

High Repetition, Low Resistance training is the act of using less weight/resistance, but doing more repetition than you usually would. This usually helps to tone the body, more than to build muscle and add bulk.
Sport Specificity is working out a specific set of muscles. However, while doing workouts like this, it will not help build any other muscles. (I think. I researched it and a lot of different answers came up).
The work/rest ratio is a plan that says if you exercise for 35 seconds, your interval would be 1:10 seconds. You rest for approximately the same amount of time that you work out for. If you swim one lap in 45 seconds, your interval would be 1:30

How can I apply these to my life?
Well I can apply high repetition, low resistance training to almost everything I do. While running, I can run for long distances at a low speed which is kind of the same thing.
Sport Specificity......hmm. Well I can just do that while I'm working out, really. I can work on one set of specific muscles, and when I'm done with those, switch over to a different set.
Work/Rest Ratio. That's easy. I'll just make sure to rest for as long as I work out/exercise to make sure I don't get worn out(:

i hope you enjoy reading this.
because i do.


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